Wednesday, December 9, 2009
It's REAL!
Last night I read a bunch of stuff about the development of the baby before birth. Every time I go through this, now being the sixth, I am always amazed at the whole process. The hourly and daily changes and growth to a fetus are sign enough for me that there is an all-knowing Creator involved. And to think that we are created in His image and likeness. Wow!
Official due date. . . June 12, 2010.
It seems so far away, especially since we're heading into winter and the baby won't come until summer time. But the fact that I have felt much better this past 9 days makes it much more bearable. If only the dish fairy would visit our house, and the laundry fairy, and the clean bathroom fairy. . .
All the kids are hoping for another BOY brother. This surprised me, especially towards Emma Claire. I thought for sure she'd want a little sister to play with. Why a boy, I asked? Her response was cute. "Andersen needs a buddy to play with. I have Abby, and Mason has Taylor. Andersen needs someone too."
John and I are indifferent. We'll just be thankful for a healthy child.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
All for the Love of Fruit Snacks
I dropped what I was doing and ran downstairs, the whole time listening to him panic. . . not sure why. I came around the corner and into the kitchen to find my little monkey hanging from the top two shelves of the kitchen cupboards. As I got to him, his little hands slipped off the edge of the top shelf and I caught him in mid air. Had I been a second later, he would have fallen backwards about 9 feet down to the tile floor and could have cracked open his head.
He didn't cry, but I could tell he was very scared. After calming him down in my arms, I asked him why he was climbing up the cupboard. His response was "Andsen yubs boot nacks" ('Andersen loves fruit snacks', in case you don't understand his language like I do). I should have guessed. The top shelf of that cupboard is where I hide the fruit snacks. Smart kid. I was just grateful that we didn't end up in the ER for a head injury.
So, later that day the older boys were at the park playing football with friends when I got a phone call from a young boy, saying "can you come to the park fast? Mason is hurt and is bleeding bad. . . hurry."
So again I dropped what I was doing and ran to the neighborhood park down the street and around the corner. Mason had two big cuts in the back of his head and was pretty out of it. Apparently, he had been running for a pass and had gotten tackled by a bigger boy. The bigger boy fell on top of him, and Mason fell backwards and landed hard on the cement.
I applied pressure to stop the bleeding and looked at the cuts. Not big enough for stitches, thank goodness. But for peace of mind, John and I decided to take him to the Emergency Room for a CAT scan. Five hours and $125 later, we got that peace of mind. Mason was fine.
At least Mason won the football game.
Kids can sure be expensive and add a little stress to our lives. I'm just glad my boys are both safe.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
We're Going Public!
All the children seemed very excited. Abby hopes it's a boy so Andersen has a buddy, then thinks we need to have two more girls and two more boys after that to even things out! Whow! We are very excited about the new addition! I think I'm about 10-11 weeks along and due mid June sometime. First Dr. appointment scheduled for the week after Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Birthday Boy!!!
Notice the hand, never leaving his football.
Before swinging, he would yell "ready, set, touchdown". Just a little confused. We'll try to fix that one later.
Andersen has been such a joy since day one. He is ALWAYS smiling--always! A few weeks ago while up at the cabin with some friends, we heard one of the men saying to him, "Andersen, Let me guess . . . are you still smiling? Yep--still smiling." And when he smiles, his eyes light up and smile too. I love being his mom. He keeps me smiling and laughing more than I would have without him. We're glad he's part of the clan.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Small Town Halloween Experience
So last weekend John left town Thursday evening with our two oldest. Their hunting area was close to St. David, where John grew up. So they stayed the night at Johns' parents home and hunted all Friday and all Saturday. I enjoyed a neighborhood trunk-or-treat party with the three youngest Friday night, then drove down to St. David Saturday afternoon and met up with the boys. The small community has a traditional school-sponsored trunk-or-treat on the football field every Halloween night. So we packed our costumes and planned to attend.
But by the time we got there (about a 3 hour drive), unpacked and finished up dinner, we realized that we were running out of time and it might not be worth the hustle to take the kids to the football field. And, the hunters were just getting home--hungry and tired from a full day. Really last minute, my sister and I decided to throw our own Halloween party at the house instead of hauling all the kids (9 in all) to the football field.
At first, the kids weren't too thrilled. Especially Abby, who had been dreaming about all the candy she would get at the trunk-or-treat. But we promised it would be just as fun celebrating it at home. All the kids got in their costumes, and we sent them outside while we schemed up our "fun and exciting" Halloween party. Here's what ended up happening:
First, the kids all trick-or-treated to all 4 doors of the house; the master bedroom door, garage door, front door, and back door. And a different face met them at each door, ready to load their buckets up with candy. Then we hung small chocolate bars on strings from the ceiling, one for each child, and had a contest to see who could eat it first without using their hands. Then we had a pumpkin toss, of course. After that, we all loaded in the car and drove a few miles and watched a deer get skinned. Totally spooky! Lots of candy was earned for each game, the kids seemed to be satisfied, and we were glad NOT to drag them all down to the football field.
Red neck Halloween? Of course. And I'll never forget it. I doubt the kids will either!
Andersen was the world's cutest cowboy. He even got to ride on a real horse for his photo shoot.
Mason was a pirate, Taylor was a sheriff cowboy, Abby was a nurse, and Emma Claire was a cat.
Here's a picture of the kids, trying to eat the hanging chocolate.
PS- And about the hunt, John and his brother both got deer. John's was a 2X2 point. I know, that sounds pretty big. Not really. The antlers weren't more than about two inches long. So small that John was embarrassed to bring the antlers home in case anyone asked to see it. We'll get some meat from it soon. Any ideas of what to do with venison? I'm a little grossed out by the thoughts. Poor Bambi.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Time Out For Women
I attended my first Time Out For Women in Phoenix a few weekends ago with some of my favorite women. Being with these girls throughout the weekend was definitely the highlight. I seem to learn more from them just being in their presence than from all those lectures. But I did enjoy some lectures/talks as well.
Here are a few notes that got jotted down during that weekend:
- 1- "Happiness is a City in the State of Mind"
- 2- Adam and Eve were given the commandment, "Be HAPPY and find JOY therein." (I had never thought of that as a commandment from God. . . major attitude shift)
- 3- One of the presenters requested us to ask ourselves the question, "What is it like being married to ME?" This question has lead to some thoughtful insight. . . no need to go there.
- 4- In order for a plant to grow, it requires being planted in healthy soil, regular watering, and then a lot of direct sun light. And so it is with raising children: the child needs to be planted in a healthy home, be "watered" regularly, i.e. showered with love and appreciation, lots of teaching, healthy motivation and guidance. After that, we have to make sure the child is put under the direct light of the Savior. In other words, create moments and an environment where the child can feel His love and direction. We do the planting and the watering, then pray for sunshine. We do all we can as parents, and the Savior does the rest. This analogy was very insightful for me.
- 5- Find Abundance in life. Learn to be content with what we have.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Angels Among Us
Since then, they have become such close friends of our family. The kids refer to them as "like grandparents". Whenever they see, or even sense a need, it is immediately filled. Every holiday we have all been spoiled with goodies, gifts, and warm cards. Every summer we enjoy numerous swimming parties in their backyard that always include yummy dinners and great visiting. Every winter we enjoy buckets of grapefruit and oranges, as much as we can handle.
Since moving about 30 minutes South a year ago, I wondered if we'd see them as much. I didn't expect the Carneys to drop off treats for the kids like they used to. But they still do. We enjoyed their visit this past Monday evening. They walked in the door with their hands full of goodie bags for the kids, Halloween home decor, a few Christmas accessories, and a HUGE bag of chocolate chips. (She knows I LOVE to bake). The kids' eyes were huge with excitement--just like Christmas!
The Carneys are some of the most Christlike people I know. They think of others, always serving and lifting others' burdens. They are complimentary towards others and towards each other. They work together well and support each other in their personal activities. They constantly show love to all around them. Whenever I am in their presence, I am inspired by their generosity and kindness. And whenever they leave, John and I always look at each other and say, "Wow, they are amazing." I hope to be more like them someday.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Giving it another try. . .
Monday, October 26, 2009
Try, Try, Try Again
Check me out Dad. I put these skates on all by
No problems here. I'm holding up just fine.
I think I've gotten enough for one day. Now help me take these things off.
One More Under My Belt

Around mile 8, my left knee started bugging me and caused a lot of pain with every step. The pain subsided when I walked, so I took it easy from then on and walked probably a minute for every 10.
The race itself isn't what I love about the whole thing. I love looking at a week-by-week calendar on my mirror every morning that dictates what I do for exercise that day. I love crossing each day off on the calendar after finishing the required work-out. I love seeing progress that comes with time. I love the motivation that accompanies a far off goal of running a race.
With the race behind me now, I have a harder time getting myself up and out the door to exercise each day. The motivation is not there anymore. Time to find another goal to work towards.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Some things Never Change

As a young girl, I remember listening to my mom talk about her good friends from her college years. She would see them occasionally (every couple of years), talk on the phone once in a while, and exchange Christmas cards.
I remember thinking how strange the whole thing sounded. You can't be friends with someone that you hardly ever see or talk to. "Friends", in my childish mind, meant someone that you saw almost daily out on the street, that you saw in church and at school, that you talked to and played with and spent time with--daily.
Now I understand. I went to college with a deep desire that I too could find "those" kind of friends--where friendship stays close and strong regardless of time or distance. That first freshman semester, I met up with some amazing women. Since then, we have moved far away from each other and have all been involved in different things. We don't play with each other, talk to each other, or spend time daily. But we're still great friends.
Since college 13 years ago, we have met up maybe 3 times for a short weekend where we leave behind our "mom" and "wife" titles and get to be simply "girl friends" again. I always return to my other titles refreshed, uplifted, and motivated to do better, be better, and become more.
This past week we met up at a beautiful cabin the the White mountains of AZ for a week. And this time, it wasn't just the 5 of us. With husbands and children in the mix, we have turned into 25. I loved being together. I loved watching them in their new roles as wife and mother. I loved learning from them in our late night visits. I loved seeing our kids play together. I loved cooking and cleaning the kitchen together. I loved visiting and relaxing on the porch together.
Thanks for coming girls! As always, I have come home refreshed, uplifted, and motivated to do better, be better, and become more. You inspire me!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Fall Break is Coming to an End. . . all too soon!
We visited the library, read lots of books, took naps, danced in the family room, jumped on the tramp, exercised together, played catch in the backyard, and talked to grandparents. A lot of my favorite things with my most favorite people.
Marjorie Hinckley believed that unstructured days with her children taught more than a relentless pursuit of talents; "I hope you enjoy your children; if not, you're in trouble."
Some days, I might be 'in trouble'. But not today. Tomorrow might be another story, but today was perfect in my eyes. Even with a dirty kitchen floor.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I lost my Wisdom last weekend.
My mom-in-law took great care of me and my family for 24 hours post surgery. I'm pretty sure she's the best nurse EVER. And since then I have healed well and am feeling better and better each day. I had minimal swelling, which was nice. Being 5 days post surgery, I feel a constant dull headache, but in the jaw (would that be called "jaw-ache"?) but don't mind it too much with Motrin. Could that be addictive?
Long Lived Dreams are finally coming TRUE!

Emma Claire watched Abby go through two years of dance and has long awaited the time when she was old enough to go herself. Abby has since grown out of the "dress-up-like-a-ballerina-and-prance-around-the-room" stage and is more interested in school work, soccer, and riding bikes. EmmaClaire, on the other hand, is in the thick of it!
Emma Claire attended her first dance class yesterday with three little friends from the neighborhood and was on cloud 9 all day long. When the dance instructor was giving directions, helping the girls stretch, and doing role call, Emma Claire kept asking where the music was and when they could do twirls. She learned first position in ballet and practiced doing leaps over a pillow. All smiles for that girl! Next Tuesday couldn't come soon enough.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Happy 60th Birthday Dad!
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Friday, August 21, 2009
Our Studious One
Detention? My smart, responsible son? Why detention?
His response cracked me up. "Well, I kind of chose to go to detention".
Why would any child choose to go to detention?
He went on to tell me that the class had been given an assignment to write three paragraphs, each talking about something they did or saw this past summer. When sufficient time had been given, the teacher collected the kids papers and sent them to recess. Taylor has a very creative and detailed mind. He had barely gotten into the first paragraph when time was up and asked his teacher if he could stay in detention during recess and finish up his assignment. He told me that one of his paragraphs was six pages long, and the other two were three pages. All the other children turned in one sheet.
Then he went on to tell me (chatter, chatter, chatter) that his 10-year-old life is too busy and he doesn't have time to write down all stories in his mind and that if he could have one wish, it would be to have two more hours each day that he would dedicate to writing his thoughts down. Weird? Awesome? Not sure what to think on that one.
But it's true. After friends are home and things are quiet around here, I frequently see him at the table writing. He has a few folders of his writings, organized to his liking. He's currently working on a story about a few boys that go back in time and search for clues about something or other. It's pretty impressive. Every couple of days, he asks me to do some editing for him. Maybe one of these days, I'll type his stories up for anyone interested.
Where did that brain of his come from?
I love 10-year-old boys!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Happy 10th Birthday Taylor
Abby's First Tooth
I was surprised that Abby was brave enough to let John pluck it out with floss. When it came out, he told her that if she didn't put her toungue in the hole, she would grow a golden tooth. After about 5 minutes of trying NOT to touch the hole with her toungue, she gave up and said to me, "It's OK. I already have a silver tooth anyway." (from a cavity).
Friday, August 7, 2009
Crazy for Balls
Monday, August 3, 2009
Kind of Emotional

Grandma with Abby and Emma Claire.

We are proud of them and what they will accomplish, but they'll be missed-BIG TIME!!!! Thank goodness for Skype, email, blogs, and the phone. With all that, being on the other side of the world doesn't seem soooo far away anymore.
Of All the Nerve. . .
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
First Day of School
They all had a good day, except for Taylor. He came home saying it was the worst day ever. Apparently, he was supposed to bring two big binders to school on the first day. And the class spent a lot of their time organizing their binders under the teacher's direction. He was one of only two kids in the class who didn't show up with the binders and felt dumb during that time. Then at lunch, a few kids teased him about his lunch box.
"What's wrong with your lunch box?" I asked.
His response was that it is old and crusty.
"Does it work?" I asked.
"Well, yea. I guess it works just fine." was his response.
This lead into a great discussion about peer pressure and being resourceful and frugal. My guess is that a few other kids had brand-new lunch boxes; compared to theirs, Taylor's box looked a little used. Great teaching moment.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Trucking through the Country--Yellowstone Vacation
After our visit, we got back in our cramped van and drove north a few hours to Bryce Canyon. On our way, we stopped for lunch at the famous Three Bears Restaurant in Kanab. Taylor, Mason, and John all ordered the Chicago-style hotdog with all the works. And we got more ice cream than we needed. Taylor, who has been eating like a teenager since he was three, was in absolute heaven.
DAY #3
I love everything about camping except for one thing: Sleep. Or should I say, the lack thereof? After two night of feeling rocks under me, Andersen crying through the night, Emma Claire needing constant drinks, Abby needing to go to the bathroom (what bathroom?), wishing we had a few extra blankets, and always wondering what kind of animal is making 'that' noise, I woke up feeling a little groggy. John did too, but commented, "It's all for the kids, right?" Oh yea, right. All for the kids.
We packed up our things and spent the rest of the day hiking through Bryce Canyon. Oops, we forgot our hiking backpack for Andersen, which meant John and I both had someone in our arms on those trails. Bryce Canyon is beautiful and different from anything I have ever seen before. We enjoyed our time there.
DAY #4
Happy 4th of July! We watched the parade in Provo, then had lunch at Grandma Bennion's house, then loaded into our "house on wheels", as the kids called it. It was nice to have a little more space than what the cramped van offered us.
The motorhome had two comfy seats in the front, a couch (not so comfy) and a sofa chair, a table with padded bench seats, microwave, oven, stove, fridge, sink, bathroom, shower, and queen bed in the back. It also had a sleeping area above the front of the cab. Very comfortable for everyone. There was no squabbling over who was in who's space, who was touching who, who didn't have any room for their legs, who needed to go to the bathroom and who else didn't want to stop, who stinks, who was hungry but couldn't get a snack in the cramped van. . .The queen bed in the back provided a nice place for wrestling matches when the kids had too much energy, and John and I would just keep on driving. There were plenty of windows for all pairs of eyes, and even a TV/DVD player for movies when the kids got really board (which only happened once).
With John leading (along with John Denver), we sang a lot and ate a lot of red vines while driving. The evening of the 4th, we camped on the banks of the Snake River in Idaho Falls and watched the "greatest firework show west of the Mississippi". And it was! Abby was amazed. With the river and the Idaho Falls Temple in view, it was quite spectacular.
Emma Claire also loved watching the fireworks. :)
Welcome, welcome Sabbath Morning. And thank goodness the campsite had showers. We were especially grateful after figuring out that the hot water in the motorhome didn't work, and the motorhome shower had a few leaks in it, which made the water spray toward the door around our knees. Not so good.
It felt a little funny driving our "house" to church. After attending our meetings, we had a picnic lunch on the lawn then spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the temple, spending time in the visitor's center, having gospel discussions, and seeing the Falls. We returned to our campsite in time to have dinner, visit with some camping neighbors, and play a few games together. It was a peaceful day well spent.
Standing in front of the Falls. The noise from the water was so loud, we had to yell at each other in order to hear.
DAY #6,7,8
Yellowstone, Here We Come! We woke up Monday morning, unhooked the motorhome, and started our drive into the west enterance of Yellowstone. For the next three days, we enjoyed learning at the museums, having campfires, visiting hotsprings and geyers, singing more John Denver, and seeing lots of wildlife. We saw a ton of buffalo, some up really close, lots of deer and elk, different kinds of birds, and a grizzly bear. John was bummed that we didn't see a moose.
Being in the motorhome made things pretty convenient. One morning, John wanted to leave early in hopes to see some wildlife. So he unhooked the water and started driving while the kids were still sleeping. I made breakfast, the kids woke up and got dressed, brushed their teeth, used the bathroom, all while John was driving. We didn't waste any time in the car. Nice.
John took the three oldest on a hike at the highest peak in the park. There was still lots of snow on the ground up there. I hung out at the motorhome and made lunch while the younger two took naps. Mason and Abby made a point to pick every kind of wild flower they saw. They returned with a beautiful arrangement.
Grizzly bear. We saw one way up on a hill, pretty far away. An older couple let us watch him through their telescope. After a while, the bear started coming down the hill. John tried to get a little closer to get a few shots. As I yelled at him to get up a little closer, another man yelled at him that "it would be in your best interest to come down from the mountain, Sir." The man probably thought I was crazy. We all had a good laugh about it. After a while, John did come down and we watched the bear walk down the mountain, then cross the street and continue going down the mountain. A few cars had to stop as he crossed right in front of them. Pretty awesome!
Andersen at the wheel. This was his favorite seat in the motorhome.
Buffalo--lots of them, everywhere! On one of our hikes, Mason found a big wad of buffalo hair/fur that had been rubbed off (they grow it for the winter then shed it in the summer). He brought it home as a cool souvenir.
This is Lake Yellowstone. It covers over 128 square miles and stays warm all year long because of all the hot springs surrounding it.
DAY #9
We left Yellowstone National Park and drove through a lot of beautiful country to Jackson, Wyoming. We visited the elk refuge and museum, then spent a few hours eating lunch at a park and going down the Alpine Slide. We rode up a mountain on a ski lift, then rode little go-carts down on a slide. Very fun!
From Jackson Hole, we drove a few more hours and camped at Bear Lake that evening. We were the only ones in a RV campsite and enjoyed feeding carrots to some horses in the next field, swinging, and playing catch on a big lawn.
DAY #10, 11, 12
After getting up and ready Thursday morning, we drove straight to Lindon where we dropped off the motor home (which meant back into the cramped minivan). We spent that evening and the next few days attending a Bennion reunion. We attended the Oquirrh Mountain temple open house, camped at Heber Family Camp and had a lot of time to visit with cousins, aunts and uncles, play games, canoe at the lake, obstacle course, eat, and visit some more. I had an accident with a big swing which put me into a state of shock for a few hours (details upon request), but other than that, we had a super time.
One side note that's worth journaling: At the camp, our family slept in a little cabin with lots of bunk beds. We shared it with my parents, Sam and Spencer (brothers), and my brother Clayton, his wife and two children. I laid in bed for a few hours, trying to go to sleep. Every turn in a sleeping bag, heavy breathing, sleep talking, snoring, etc. . . made SO much noise, it was unbearable. I'm pretty sure that most of the snoring noises came from my dad. A few others that contributed to the snoring symphony were Mom (occasionally), Spencer, Taylor, and maybe Clate. Sometime in the middle of the night, Andersen started waking up and fussing, so I took him outside so he wouldn't wake anyone else up. John followed me and put him back to sleep. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep a wink in that cabin, so I grabbed my sleeping bag and headed for the van. After moving a few car seats, I slept like a baby for the remainder of the night on the back seat of the van. The funny thing was, the next morning after comparing notes on everyones sleep in the cabin, my dad was the first to deny making any noise and blamed it all on mom. We all had a good laugh.
From left to right, here's our youngest, Andersen, playing in the sandbox with his two cousins, Tyler and Mack.
Grandpa's biggest fan is Andersen. When grandpa's around, he often prefers him over me or John.
My Aunt Marcia has a little girl Emma Claire's age named Laura. These two hit it off well and enjoyed playing together.
We enjoyed doing a challenge course. Here, Taylor and Mason are trying to cross wires with only each other to hold on to. It's much harder than it looks.
Aunt Marcia also has two boys the same ages as my two. From left to right; Matthew, Taylor, Mason, and Tyler.
DAY #13-18
After packing up, we left Lindon and drove a few hours to Monticello where we attended church meetings and had lunch. Then we continued driving to the cabin in the White Mountains.
We spent the next six days with most of my siblings and parents there. With the help of a few older uncles, Taylor and Mason designed and built some impressive forts in the forest, we relaxed together, exercised, hiked, went on trail rides, played games, ate great food, and visited a lot.
We spent the next six days with most of my siblings and parents there. With the help of a few older uncles, Taylor and Mason designed and built some impressive forts in the forest, we relaxed together, exercised, hiked, went on trail rides, played games, ate great food, and visited a lot.
Here's Abby, Leah, Emma Claire, Elli, and Ashley--all ready for their horse rides in the arena.
Gotta love the boots. True cowgirls. Andersen, warming up for the real deal.
We were impressed that Emma Claire wasn't scared to ride. She couldn't get enough and was the last to get off her horse.
Emma Claire, Leah, Abby and Elli--hanging out at the stables.
Home Again.
After being away from home for almost three weeks, we were all glad to get home and sleep in our own beds. (But not so glad to be back in triple-digit weather.) We had fun times together and created good memories and a few new traditions. One of my favorite parts of our vacation was that for most of our time away, it was just US. No friends to play with except for siblings, no distractions to pull us away, no work meetings, phones ringing, or jobs to do. Just a lot of playing, singing, eating, story telling, hiking, animal watching, and more playing. We just had each other. And that's how I like it.