Watching his "try to hide it but I can't" smile while he passed the sacrament for the first time last Sunday put a great big lump in my throat. He's such a good boy and has always had a strong inner desire to please and to choose the right.
And a few weeks ago while swimming with the kids, I noticed armpit hair. Only four hairs, but they were long. What in the world?!? I pointed them out, and Taylor couldn't have been more proud. He's always wanted to grow up and to be treated as a grown-up. Since then, I've heard him tell his younger siblings that he's a real man now because he has armpit hair. Funny.
What he wanted most for his birthday was to ride horses in St. David with Mima and Papa, which he got to do. He also invited over a few friends and cousins for a swim/dinner/night games party. Then a few days after his birthday, the youth in our ward got to go to the temple and do baptisms for the dead. I think it was a wonderful experience for him, as he has asked numerous times since when he can go back.
He also got to attend Teen Elect, a youth activity in our church that gives the kids opportunity to practice social interaction with the opposite gender, manners, and dancing. He was SUPER nervous and didn't want to go at all. The whole week, he kept bringing it up and saying how he didn't need to go. John drove him and a few other boys to the activity, and encouraged them on the way to dance with girls even if they didn't want to. He said, "Taylor, you have to dance with a few girls. You don't have to like it, but you have to do it". One of the boys in the car said, "Bro. LeSueur, you're making me really nervous" to which Taylor responded, "guys, I've been nervous for a whole week just thinking about it." John had a good laugh about that one.
He ended up having a great time and has been using a napkin and cutting all his food with a knife and fork ever since.
Happy Birthday Taylor!